Download software tagged by rss xml
The most popular program: Quick Slide Show 2.00
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We recommend: RSSOwl | RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader 1.2.1
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XMLBlueprint XML Editor 15.18 by Monkfish XML Software
XML editor and validator of XML documents, DTDs, Relax NG Schemas and XML Schemas. Provides XSLT transformation and preview in built-in browser.
IDAutomation RSS Composite Image Generator 4.06 by, Inc.
The IDAutomation RSS (Reduced Space Symbology) Composite Image Generator is a bar code image generation application that is used to create and paste barcodes into other applications.
OptimizeVista.NET RSS Reader 1.0 by OptimizeVista.NET
We provide a free screensaver for RSS reading of our website. You can know the latest news in our website about Repair and Fix Windows troubles, Easy Optimization and Speed up Windows with the Free Guides, while the screensaver runs in your computer.
RSS To Speech 1.1 by Apexoft
This software downloads RSS feeds from any Web sites and then reads them using Text-to-Speech and shows the feeds on good-looking black screen. After installation the program will use default computer's voice...
Advanced RSS Publisher Personal 3.0.11 by Xpress Software Inc.
Advanced RSS Publisher allows you to automatically publish aggregated news pages or articles on your website.
Advanced RSS Publisher Professional 3.1.57 by Xpress Software Inc.
Advanced RSS Publisher allows you to automatically publish aggregated news pages or articles on your website.
VIP Rumor RSS Reader 4.0.8 by VIP Rumor
VIP Rumor RSS Reader is a totally FREE news aggregator or feed reader that utilize web feed technology to retrieve syndicated web content like blogs, podcasts, videologs, and typical media websites , or a customized set of search results.
Advanced RSS Publisher Professional 3.68.67 by Xpress Software Inc.
Advanced RSS Publisher allows you to automatically publish aggregated news pages or articles on your website.
Advanced RSS Publisher Personal 3.69.67 by Xpress Software Inc.
Advanced RSS Publisher allows you to automatically publish aggregated news pages or articles on your website.